Certified NLP Basic Practitioner Course

What is NLP, and how does it benefit you? This class, both live and home study, is designed to be a resource for you for the rest of your life, to teach you what NLP is and how to effectively use it.
You will learn more in this intensive, power-packed course than most students learn in long, drawn out, training classes. If NLP enables rapid change, why not learn rapidly? We use NLP to teach NLP - in plain, everyday English!!! Have fun, expand your awareness, and experience deep change NOW!!!
Certified NLP Master Practitioner Course

This course is focused on giving you the skills of waking hypnosis, how to use NLP and hypnosis without formal trance, and how gaining direct access into a person�s subconscious processing abilities is the key to getting others to do what you want.
You will learn the words that change minds, the true language of subconscious influence. You will master the powerful filters each person uses to make sense of their experiences, screen out data, what to pay attention to, and what to ignore. Now you will learn the secret of working with these filters, and use them to effectively influence every area of your life.
NLP Coaching Course

* Requirements: NLP Basic Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner Certifications.
Simply the most powerful and effective coaching method available. There are some different types of coaching but NLP Coaching gets hands on concrete results faster than others because NLP Coaching is the result of studying and modeling the most effective forms of coaching and communication available and combining this with the leading edge knowledge on human behavior and thinking patterning. As an NFNLP Coach you are far more than just a �coach�. You will have access to the most advanced tools and strategies and methods for assisting individuals developed from years of hands on training by Dr. Will Horton.
Certified Hypno~Addictionology Course

In this course you get detailed information on the addiction process and the process of recovery, such as:
The NLP models of addictions and how addictions occurs
Self-hypnosis for recovery and NLP techniques for addictions.
The Smoking Addiction Recovery Overview.
Background on Alcoholics Anonymous (What few people know - the Bridge Model).
Detailed meaning of the Steps to Recovery from Alcoholics Anonymous.
How to use NLP & Hypnosis in the addiction recovery process.
The Michigan Alcohol Screening Test.
The chart on Progression of Family Illness.
How to handle client resistance.
Certified Sports & Performance Specialist Course

Wil Horton has had the honor of working with all types of sports people. From elite professionals to hobbyists and I have found that athletes are special clients, they can be the most rewarding that you can work with. They are motivated, and want to succeed! To work with them effectively however, you need to be able to understand their mind set, and know the SECRETS to decode their programs. In the Sports and Performance Specialist training you will learn these secrets. I have updated the training and added new things to make you even more effective with your hypnosis skills.
You will learn the competitive styles profile, a way to decode your client fast and easy;
The learning style profile... learn how your client communicates, and how to help them (and their coaches excel);
Recent research from sports psychology and more!