Khairul Mazlan

Khairul Mazlan photo

Master Impact Maker
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Contact: +60162635241


About Khairul Mazlan

Khairul Mazlan's Core Programs

More About...

His passion in sharing knowledge has appeared since youth when he became the youngest handball coach to lead a championship team age the age of 16. He continued his trade in developing talent in the corporate world using his unique concept of people management to engage with all levels of employees. During his time service the corporate he has been involved in highly innovative projects with improving customer service, sales and marketing in the same platform.


Upcoming Trainings with Khairul Mazlan

Class Description
Contact Information
Malaysia To Be Announced
Certified NLP Basic Practitioner Program
(Duration: 40 hours)

Contact: +60162635241
Malaysia To Be Announced
Certified NLP Master Practitioner Program
Duration: 32 hours

(Prerequisite: NLP Basic Practitioner Certification *per approval)
Contact: +91 8660399278